Welcome to The Christmas Shop in Boppard on the rhine river with lots of Black Forest Cuckoo Clocks, Nutcrackers, Hummel Figurines and much more


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Cuckoo Clocks

Light Bridges

Tableclothes and Cushions

Wendt & Kühn wood figures

Hummel Figurines

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Pictures from The Christmas Shop in Boppard

a lot of hummel figurines in the show case  more hummel figurines  a lot of beautiful items

Lots of beautiful items and decoration

christmas decoration  more items  much more christmas decoration

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Copyright ©2003eu-media   THE CHRISTMAS SHOP Oberstrasse 120 D-56154 Boppard  icTelephone.gif +49 6742 2352  icFax.gif +49 6742 5625 kontakt@christmas-shop.biz